FAQ We will answer frequently asked questions from customers.


 You have a lot of things to worry about when you book the trip for belonging, payment and dress. Here is a list of frequently asked questions.



~Access and transportation~


Q. 送迎はありますか?

A. 現地集合を原則とさせていただいております。集合場所や集合時間などはツアー前日にお電話にてお伝えいたします。送迎を必要とされる方は別途ご相談ください。


Q. 集合場所・集合時間は?


Is it possible to join the day trip from Hatoma Island, Hateruma Island, Kuroshima Island, Obama Island and Taketomi Island?

Q. Is it possible to join the day trip from Hatoma Island, Hateruma Island, Kuroshima Island, Obama Island and Taketomi Island?
A. It is possible. However, we would like to ask you to consult with us in advance if you would like to join the district.


~About tour contents〜

Can I enjoy it for the first time?

Q. Can I enjoy it for the first time?
A.Of course you can enjoy it. More than 95% of customers are beginners, so please feel free to join us.

Do my clothes get wet on the tour?

Q. Do my clothes get wet on the tour?
A. Clothes get wet on most tours. Please join us in a dress that can be wet(swimwear, rash guard, sportswear, etc.


Q. 現地に更衣室やシャワーを浴びれる場所はありますか?
A. 大自然のフィールドのため、更衣室やシャワーは現地にはございません。予め濡れても良い格好にお着替えの上、ご参加をお願いいたします。ツアー終了後はシャワーを浴びていただける設備を整えております。


Q. 現地にお手洗いはありますか?
A. 基本的に大自然のフィールドで行いますので、付近にお手洗いはございません。予めお済ませの上ご参加をお願い致します。


Q. 荷物を預ける場所はありますか?
A. 事務所でお預かり可能でございます。


Q. 携帯電話は持って行っていいですか?
A. 可能ですが、携帯電話をはじめとする私物のフィールドへのお持ち込みは自己責任となります。ツアー中の私物の紛失に関しては一切の責任を負いかねます。


Q. 夕日/朝日/星は見えますか?
A. 自然が相手ですので「絶対」はお約束できません。どれだけ曇っていても見れる可能性ははゼロではありません。お客様の日頃の行い次第です!(ツアーは雨天・曇天でも基本的に催行致します)


Q. お昼ご飯はどこでたべますか?
A. 休憩所近くに飲食店が複数ございます。お好きなお店でお召し上がりください。なお、八重山諸島は高温多湿の亜熱帯地域です。当店は開業以来、食品衛生の観点から昼食を提供は行っておりません(食品衛生法を無視したアクティビティショップの提供するランチにおいて、劣悪な食品保存・管理を原因とする食中毒が多発しておりますのでご注意ください)

How about the pictures on tour?

Q. How about the pictures on tour?
A. he guide takes a photo for customer with a waterproof camera during the tour and presents the data free of charge. You don’t have to bring your precious camera to the water!

How can I get the photo data?

Q. How can I get the photo data?
A. Photo data is basically presented to the customer using a smartphone. If you have a message app, “LINE”, alternatively, anyone with the “AirDrop” feature in the iPhone series can send photo data without problems. If you would like to contact us via email, please let me know about the capacity issues. In addition, please note that we do not have a mail service.


Q. お昼ご飯はどこでたべますか?
A. 休憩所近くに飲食店が複数ございます。お好きなお店でお召し上がりください。


Q. ツアーは何時に終わりますか?
A. 各ツアーの参考スケジュールをご覧ください。


Q. SUPは難しいですか?
A. PiPiのSUPボードは初心者の方でも楽しんでいただけるものを採用しておりますので問題ございません!


Q. 泳げなくても大丈夫ですか?
A. 水辺でのツアー中はライフジャケットを必ず着用していただきますのでご安心ください。シュノーケリングではガイドがサポートいたします。お気軽にご参加ください。


Q. 運動に自信が無いのですが、大丈夫ですか?
A. PiPiのツアーのほとんどが運動に自信の無い方でも楽しめるプランになっています!普段運動が苦手な方でも、石垣島の大自然を堪能していただけます!


~ For participation~


Q. ちゃんと予約できてますか?
A. 当ショップ或いはご予約されたサイトから予約完了メールが届いていればご予約は完了しておりますのでご安心ください。またツアー前日にすべてのお客様にお電話にて集合場所・集合時間等のご連絡を致します。なお、ツアー前日までは確定した集合場所・集合時間をお伝えできませんのでご了承ください。

Is it possible to participate alone?

Q. Is it possible to participate alone?
A. Welcome. However, please note that tours may be canceled if the capacity is not reached. In the case of a one-person reserved tour, the price varies slightly.Please feel free to to contact us.

Can I even join it with kids?

Q. Can I even join it with kids?
A. We have many plans that are perfect for families with children. Please contact us by phone or email!

Is group booking possible?

Q. Is group booking possible?
A. It is possible. Since it is only a tour of about 2 hours, it is easy to incorporate it into the schedule and it has become very popular. Please feel free to contact us.

Can I reschedule or change my time on my tour?

Q. Can I reschedule or change my time on my tour?
A. Of course it’s possible. If you have a prior consultation, we will be able to respond to the weather and the customer’s convenience. It is also possible to make the best suggestions from this shop depending on the circumstances at that time(Please note that the cancellation policy below may apply in the case of a cancellation rather than a customer-friendly change)。


Q. 年齢制限はありますか?
A. 各ツアーのページをご覧ください。


Q. 妊娠中でもツアーに参加できますか?
A. ご参加は可能ですが、ツアー中・ツアー後の母子の健康に対しては責任を負いかねます。ご了承ください。


~ In terms of weather ~/span>

Will it also be held in the rain?

Q. Will it also be held in the rain?
A. We will hold activity if the safety is secured even in the rain. Except for special weather such as typhoons, it is basically a rainy weather event. However, field conditions vary not only by rain, but also by various factors such as wind and waves. If it is determined that the safety of the field cannot be secured on the day due to these factors, the tour may be canceled even if it is sunny. Please note that if the tour is canceled, we will contact you.


~ In terms of belongings ~

What are the clothes, belongings of the day?

Q. What are the clothes, belongings of the day?
A. A. Please wear a swimsuit, rash guard, sportswear and other clothes that are easy to move and dry. You can basically bring your drink and two towels! If you have sunglasses and sunscreen, please bring it!


Q. タオルは持った方がいいですか?
A. ショップのシャワーを利用される場合は、お持ち込みください。


~ Regarding payment ~

How to pay?

Q.How to pay?
A. Cash payment on the day? Credit card payment on the day? Advance credit card payment? Advance transfer.

What is the cancellation fee?

Q. What is the cancellation fee?
A.If it is cancelled for your convenience, please note that you will pay a cancellation fee under the cancellation policy listed below.

  • Two days ago: 50%
  • Previous day: 100%
  • On the day: 100%
  • Unauthorized cancellation: 100%



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